Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oral Blog Portfilio Post Entry Seven Diploma Lecture 2


- Police are always there for you
- Open 24 hours

Emergency Dial 111
- Police
- Ambulance
- Fire


- If you think a burglar is in home do not go in
- If you think the burglar has left and your home is messy call 111 and DO NOT touch anything.

Reduce the opportunities for.

a. Lock your doors and windows.
b. Don't leave your front door open.
c. Get to know your neighbours.


- Protect your saftey
- Don't carry lots of valuables
- carry cell phone
- trust you instinct
- never give people your pin number
- Don't leave valuables in the car
- Don't carry large amounts of money

Police Contact
- www. police.govt.nz
- Emergency contact dial 111.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Diploma Trip


I went to the beach with my classmates on 24 April 2007 to Titirangi beach.

We meet a cafe net and we went together to the beach.

The weather was really nice and we enjoyed our day at the beach and we also had a shared lunch together. We stayed there until 2 o'clock and then we went back home.

The view was really nice and i took some photos with my friends.I had been to this beach with my family serval times before because it's close to my home and i really like it.

I enjoyed the trip and I'm sure I will go again.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Oral Blog Entry Six Picture Comparision 2

In both of these pictures children are studying in Primary school.

In the first picture they are studying their normal lessons with there teacher and answering the teacher questions and concentrating on what their teacher is giving them.Frist Picture

In the second picture they are working in groups and communicating with each other and sharing their opinions and information in a small groups. Second Picture

Technology helps learning alot, because it can make some abstract knowledge in books more vivid, especialy for young children because they like some coulourful what they can learn and remember easily and they can communicate and learn from each other.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Oral Blog Entry 5 Domeastic News Headlines

I heard this story on morning report in the computer lap on Wednesday 02/05/07.

The climed change experts and enviromantalists crash over
proposals to fight global worning.

"paper also reports climate changing experts and an environmentalist will clash over proposals to fight global warming.

Here are pronunciation features which I noticed.
- consonant to vowel linking - "and_environmentalists"
- weak pronunciation - "clash over proposals"
- weak pronunciation - "to fight global warming"